Death Due to Rupture of the Uterus in a Full Term Primigravida
Rupture uterus, primigravida, criminal negligence, ante-mortem, cesarean section, cephalo pelvic disproportion, laparotomy, placenta accreta, multiparityAbstract
Rupture of uterus during pregnancy is an unexpected, relatively uncommon occurrence in the general obstetric population and a catastrophic complication which may prove fatal to the mother as well as the foetus. It is commonly diagnosed with a history of previous scar on the uterus but rupture of the uterus in a full term primigravida with no high risk factors during pregnancy or labour is extremely rare. This rarest obstetric complication cannot be ignored and needs to be diagnosed as early as possible and treated promptly otherwise it may invite legal implications of simple or criminal negligence against the medical professionals.
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